Created and directed by Annabelle KAJBAF @annabellekajbaf
Photographer: Reinhardt Kenneth @reinhardtkenneth

Digitech: Suimay Lee @suimaylee

Photographer’s Assistant: Andrew Fabela @andrew.fabela
Videographer: Matt Mendoza
Stylist: Ambika Sanjana @styledbyambika
Stylist assistant: Juan Mercier @googlejuaanito

H.M.U.A. team:
Monica Renneè Wright @beautymarkedbymon

Jael Serrano @serranostudiosla
Jason Rivas @makeupbyfabj
Social media assistant: Amanda Strauss @beatrizephotography.
Music: Kaya @kaya.musique.

Koro Diouf @korostyle | Geena Singh @geena_singh | Juliette Cecile @juliette_cecile |
Chriz Crizzz @chrizcrozzz | Massi Pregoni @dontpanicmassi | Leadr @followtheleadr |
Meagan Mitchell @meaganjmitchell | Brianne Buishas @babuishas | Jaenna Wessling @jaennaration |Chango @i.amchango | Sarah Gibsonn @sarahmgibsonn.

Special thanks to the location Zevarra Loft @zevarralofts.